Missions is at the heart of our relationship with Christ. Because of His sacrifice for us, we serve faithfully in His name, especially with our brothers and sisters in need. The missions team works to keep our Church Family aware of Christian service opportunities, with a desire to lead each person to honor God by compassionately serving His people with our time, talent and treasures. We are active in serving through ministries that feed, house, aid and support our neighbors of all ages locally and around the world.
The NCCP Missions Team meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month, contact the parish office for location and time. All are welcome to join.
Annual Missions Trip
Since 2006, this multi-church team coordinated by LHUMC has traveled to other states to rebuild homes [and hope] for/with families in need; generally after disasters like Hurricane Katrina along the Gulf Coast and, more recently, Hurricane Sandy which damaged 253,000 homes in New Jersey.
As the hands and feet of Christ, team members minister to families as their most important task while working on homes. Over the years Baptists, Catholics, Independents, Lutherans, United Methodists and others have joined together to serve, quickly realizing they were one in Christ, that they received more than they gave and that their personal Christian journey found greater focus. Each evening, the team re-energizes through sharing, prayer, message and music to prepare for the next day’s mission.
Casserole Ministry
“Never worry about the numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” These are words by Mother Teresa.
Over 30 families have been involved in preparing casseroles for a ministry sponsored Bmore Caring (a non-profit group based in Glen Burnie. These people serve meals to homeless in Glen Burnie, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn and Baltimore City. Our church has 3 teams with 10-12 in each team. Rotating so that once every three months, the volunteer bakes the casseroles and delivers them to church, where they are then taken to a packing center. Along with buttered bread and cookies, provided by us, the food is packed into containers then taken to about 8 locations and distributed to those in need. Bottled water is also donated by our volunteers. We participate in this outreach ministry on the 2nd Friday of every month; however, the overall program distributes meals 3 times every week to anywhere from 80 to 120 people. If you would like to participate in this ministry contact Cindy Butz
First Fruits Farm
A few times a year volunteers from LHUMC go to First Fruits Farm in Freeland Maryland to harvest fruits and vegetables. First Fruits Farm is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to providing fresh, nutritious produce to those experiencing hunger in the Mid-Atlantic region. Since 2004, thousands of area volunteers have helped harvest over 13.4 million pounds of fruits and vegetables to share with local food banks, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and other food providers.
You don’t have to wait for a group from NCCP to go to First Fruits Farm to volunteer there! You can sign up with the farm directly and go when it is convenient for you. Just follow this link to First Fruit Farm’s Volunteer Calendar.
Operation Christmas Child

Jail and Prison Ministry
Church family volunteers continue to support this important ‘loving our neighbor’ ministry by:
· Providing financial support
· Supporting on site Chaplains who minister directly to inmates.
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry places Christian chaplains in jails and prisons to minister to the spiritual needs of inmates and staff. Chaplains serve as evangelist, pastor, counselor, mentor and friend to those who are incarcerated and the staff who guard and protect them. Good News Chaplains share the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world – in 25 countries and 22 states in the US including the Ordnance Road Correctional Center and the Jennifer Road Detention Center in Anne Arundel County.
The North County Emergency Outreach Network (NCEON) is a Christian all-volunteer organization comprised of more than 35 churches and 5 civic organizations from the Glen Burnie, Linthicum, Pasadena, and Severn areas.
LHUMC parishioners routinely bring non-perishable basic food items to church with them on Sundays as an extra offering for our neighbors in need to supplement those with limited budgets.
Each year, the LHUMC Church Family donates nearly 500 bags of food that helps NCEON meet their mission throughout the local community of need.
1. Bring canned goods to church in a bag on Sunday (e.g. tuna; canned meats/vegetables/ fruits; peanut butter, spaghetti sauce and pasta).
2. To volunteer with NCEON, please call them direct at
(410) 766-1826.
Church World Service
One-day mission trips to New Windsor, Maryland are held through the summer and fall months. These Christian journeys begin in our church parking lot and then venture in faith 43 miles to the Church World Service (CWS) Center in New Windsor.
Disaster response items are collected and shipped to the CWS Center from all over the United States. At CWS, volunteers process, assemble and package items to create hygiene kits and other disaster response aids. These kits that ‘the hands of Christ’ assemble find their way into the hands of disaster victims from severe storms, tornadoes and hurricanes; the homeless and others with urgent needs in this country and around the world.
Crop Walk
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by religious groups, businesses, schools and others to raise funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Together, we can help end hunger in our community and around the world!
More info: https://lhumc-crop-walk.carrd.co/#home
Winter Relief
LHUMC was one of the founding churches which joined with the Salvation Army in 1992 to provide winter shelter for homeless men in the Glen Burnie area. That effort has now grown to more than 75 churches and synagogues participating in this Winter Relief ministry of the Arundel House of Hope (AHOH) serving men, women and families.
Each November The LHUMC family, has faithfully opened its doors every winter since 1992 for a week to house AHOH clients. No ministry at LHUMC involves as many volunteers each year as Homeless Week. Over the past few years we have conducted this ministry in partnership with St. Philip Neri Church.
A kind helping hand or a caring word can make a difference to someone who has little.
Classroom Kits
Many collect and donate school supplies when the school year begins. By mid-year teachers report that many of the school supplies that arrive in September are gone and, for many students [and teachers], the need continues. We recognize this as an opportune time to provide additional classroom supplies.
As a result, our Missions Ministry appeals for school supplies and financial donations from our Church Family during the month of December with special emphasis on giving because ‘Christ is the reason for the season’. Supplies collected are distributed to teachers in 15 classrooms at Belle Grove Elementary to use and distribute as needed.
Where will you serve?