The North County Cooperative parish consists of 5 churches:
Linthicum Heights UMC, Ferndale UMC, Messiah UMC, Brooklyn Community UMC, Harwood Park UMC. 

The Ferndale pantry will be open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month.  Donations are needed to keep the pantry stocked.

If you are able to pick up a few extra items on your next shopping trip, we would be extremely grateful. You can reach out to Jennifer Miller to coordinate dropping it at Ferndale or you can drop it in the LHUMC Office.


Items that we need include:

Canned Meats and Tuna, Pancake mix, Syrup, Peanut butter, Pop tarts, Pasta, Pasta sauce, Canned beans (black, pinto, etc), Canned Corn, Canned Carrots, Canned Mixed vegetables, Canned soup (pop tops are preferred), Boxed potatoes, Stuffing, Noodles, Rice, Instant meals that just add meat,Cereal

Members of the BWC along with friends and loved ones are among the hundreds of thousands affected by the devastating wildfires in southern California. Many United Methodists are grieving the loss of their homes and at least two church buildings. See the UMNS story.

200 School Lane, Linthicum 21090:
117 Ferndale Rd, Glen Burnie 21061:
7401 E Furnace Branch Rd, Glen Burnie 21060:
6635 Highland Ave, Elkridge 21075:
Brooklyn Community
110 Townsend Ave, Brooklyn 21225
Parish Office:

As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.

Your gift to UMCOR makes God’s love tangible to survivors of all kinds—be it from war or conflict, hurricane, famine, earthquake or flood.

Your gift, joined with the gifts of others, makes a significant impact in the lives of individuals and communities. And when you give through the Advance, 100% of your gift goes to serve others in the way that you choose.





“Never worry about the numbers.  Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” These are words by Mother Teresa.

Over 30 families have been involved in preparing casseroles for a ministry sponsored by Bmore Caring (a non-profit group based in Glen Burnie).  These people serve meals to homeless in Glen Burnie, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn and Baltimore City.  Our church has 3 teams with 10-12 in each team.  Rotating so that once every three months, the volunteer bakes the casseroles and delivers them to church, where they are then taken to a packing center.  Along with buttered bread and cookies, provided by us, the food is packed into containers then taken to about 8 locations and distributed to those in need.  Bottled water is also donated by our volunteers.  We participate in this outreach ministry on the 2nd Friday of every month;  however, the overall program distributes meals 3 times every week to anywhere from 80 to 120 people.  Our church family is putting our Faith Into Action,  and showing our love and compassion to so many in our nearby communities. 

Many volunteers are needed to help spread love to the community for our Social Saturday outreach at Ferndale. We have many days and ways you can participate. Volunteers are needed to pick up produce from First Fruits farm, Baked goods from Geresbeck’s and to set up, clean up and socialize on Saturdays.

We also need a group of people to come to Ferndale to help sort donated clothing for the Social Saturday outreach. If you are interested in helping, please contact Amy Dye, Jennifer Miller or the Parish office.

North County Emergency Outreach works to combat hunger in northern Anne Arundel County. You can be a part of this ministry in many ways.
1) Bring non-perishable food items with you to worship
2) Transport donations from LHUMC to NCEON. Contact the church office for details.
3) Volunteer at NCEON
More information about NCEON can be found here:
Volunteering is Good for You!

Greetings in Christ!

You are invited to participate in an opportunity to get involved in a ministry of practical and spiritual value that serves our LHUMC community in a tangible way.

Our Tuesday Work Crew is seeking interested members to join its team of folks who perform routine tasks inside and outside of the church facility, to ensure the continuity of building and grounds operation and maintenance. (Examples: gardening, painting, carpentry repairs, setting clocks/thermostats, minor plumbing repairs, organizing and procuring materials, planning work projects, etc.)

     No special skills or talents are required – just a desire to be a part of a friendly and enthusiastic group.  And if Tuesday mornings don’t fit your schedule, other days/times can be arranged.

     Please prayerfully consider joining this ministry, which has been an integral part of our church for many years.

     Volunteering on this ministry is a great way to plug into the church, feel like part of a community, enjoy spirited fellowship, and serve Jesus at the same time.

     We seek to be a blessing to our church community.  And we look forward to the tremendous things God is doing through this ministry.

     Please contact Vickie Cromer or the parish office for more information.
Faith ‘n Friends



“If you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness.”  Isaiah 58:6 – 12