LHUMC is alive and active as the body of Christ.
There are many ways to get involved to grow in faith and expand God’s Kingdom. 
 Faithful volunteers are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as attending Bible studies to
providing meals for our neighbors in need. 
Not sure how you fit? Identifying and understanding your spiritual gifts is a good way to find where you should connect. God has uniquely created you to be you, and has given you gifts to participate in and support the Body of Christ, the church.  This Spiritual Gifts Assessment helps individuals identify their God-given gifts for living faithfully as Christian disciples day by day and find meaningful ways to use their gifts in connection with others through the community of faith. The process helps people understand the nature of spiritual gifts and ways to enhance the effectiveness of their gifts by linking together with others.

Christian Education

Through weekly Sunday School and ongoing group Bible studies, our members build their Biblical knowledge to grow in their faith and discover wisdom that they can apply to their everyday lives.
Contact: Mary Beth Wynne

Alice’s Prayer Shawls

continues to provide comfort, support, joy and peace to our church family, community and beyond. This is a time of fellowship and crocheting or knitting. If anyone is interested in joining us, please contact the church office at 410-859-0990. In addition to prayer shawls, we provide baptismal blankets, lap blankets and veterans lap blankets. If you or anyone you know may benefit by receiving these comfort handiworks, contact the church office. Know that the person receiving these gifts will be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace and wrapped in love.

Blessed Be!

Tuesday Work Crew

Every Tuesday morning from 8 am to noon this faithful team works on projects that improve, repair, maintain, and beautify our facilities.  There are projects for every talent and skill level.  Painters, mowers, landscapers, simple household type repair-persons, contract negotiators and managers, safety experts, facilities utilization experts – whatever your skills, there are ways you can meaningfully contribute to keeping up our facility.

Prayer Chain

Prayers for healing, for strength and hope during life’s difficulties, or for special joys and thanksgiving are  passed through our prayer chain members by email. This means that approximately 12 people are daily offering intercessory prayers to Jesus on your behalf. Prayers are not limited to LHUMC people, friends and relatives from anywhere have called for us to pray for them. You may request prayers through email here;
Contact: Nancy Legg  Nancylegg@msn.com 

Youth Group

Under the leadership and direction of  Dan Hiltz and Mary Beth Wynne, our youth engage in fun activities, Bible study, missions outreaches and retreats. Middle and high school can be a stressful transition in a young person’s life.  Youth group is a place to come together with friends as well as being a safe place to share struggles, fears, and challenges with each other under the guidance of adults who will help them reflect on them based on Faith over fear.
Contact Dan Hiltz:  dhiltzy@gmail.com
Visit our Youth Group Page  for updates and upcoming events
The mission of our children’s and families ministries is to create lasting faith in children and to equip and empower parents and guardians to effectively parent for faith. We do that by helping the whole family get to know God and giving them a foundation of knowledge to build their faith upon. We also provide opportunities for families to strengthen their bonds with each other and others in our community of faith.