The Recurring Donation option allows you to ensure that your gifts are received by the church on a regular basis, even if you are out of town, in a Bible study  or teaching Sunday school. Temporarily unavailable; will return soon. Sorry for the inconvenience
If you wish to have your gift automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account or charged to your credit/debit card, you may click on the One-Time Gift link to access our online giving setup page. Click the above image to set this up. 

Why we give

This document highlights and celebrates the story of our accomplishments over the previous year, while sharing with you our financial needs for those ministries and others in the coming year
Online Giving


Methodism’s founder John Wesley encouraged his followers to spread the good news, transform hopelessness into hope and assist God’s children wherever they may be. We gather regularly with our congregation and put money into the offering plate, and through a carefully crafted system of United Methodist mission and ministry, our gifts are used locally and  around the world.

1 Corinthians 16:2

“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.'”

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Giving Methods

There are several ways you may give to the ministries and support of our church:

Online: If you wish to have your gift automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account or charged to your credit/debit card, you may click on the One-Time Gift link to access our online giving setup page. The Recurring Donation option allows you to ensure that your gifts are received by the church on a regular basis, even if you are out of town, in a Bible study  or teaching Sunday school.

Cash: You may place a cash gift into the offering plate during the worship service. If your gift is for a special collection or designation, please put it in it’s corresponding offertory basket or in the offering plate with an envelope labeled with your name and the designation you are giving towards.

Check: Make your check payable to “Linthicum Heights United Methodist Church” and write the purpose of the gift (i.e.; Weekly Offering, Apportionments, etc.) in the note field. Drop it in the plate on Sunday or mail it to:

200 School Lane

Linthicum, MD 21090

Please contact the church office if you are interested in receiving weekly offering envelopes at

(410)859-0990 or